Making Music at Home

Do you ever have your kids make music at home? Ever think that it might be fun to have your kids and a few of their friends make music together?

Its not all that hard, and very rewarding for the kids, to be able to help them make a little music and sing.

This is one of the missions of Soundzania, to foster making music – the creative process and, in general, to make the creation of music a little more common. I believe music is just as important of an outlet as sports or other games kids do… and just like sports, kids do play them formally and informally. I’m trying to spur on the notion of more informal music.

I’ve started writing an article on this topic for Washington Parent. They are a trusted resource for parenting in the greater Metropolitan DC area and publish superb articles on education, arts and more. Read more about this publication by visiting

When the article runs, I’ll put another post up here to link you to it. In the meantime, stay tuned for the first homemade instrument posting. In the process of creating our next CD, we will be making some instruments and sharing them with you here.

Make music – then share it !!

Ben Joe


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