Back-to-School in Soundzania

Ah, back to school time.  We’ve kicked off the year just fine out our house and hope you all have as well.  I’m kind of psyched because we have some new activities for the kids this year.  I’m looking forward to bringing Soundzania to some local preschools again this year with my new dobro!A very fun instrument - need to write some new songs on it

Recently, Soundzania helped kick-off a block party and gave a fun live performance including Lee Parker, Andy Berry, Ken Hougasian, myself.. and the magic carpet.  Yes, the magic carpet made a second appearance and the kids immediately took to it.  We’re going to have to program more sounds into it!

Well, thats about it for now, we’re still in the planning phase for the next Soundzania album.  If you have a fun story from elementary school, share it by replying to this, or posting a comment.

Now, for the monthly discount -use [coupon code available to those who sign-up for the newsletter] to get 20% off anything in the Soundzania store, pick up a cool t-shirt, or order some with school colors to show some spirit!  Nothing better than some tie-dyed Soundzania shirts with your own school colors.

Have a great school year and until next time –

Sounds good and good sounds



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