Springtime in Soundzania

We’re most of the way through spring here in Soundzania and everything is blooming and green and windy and fun. Anyone gardening out there? Here’s what we have growing in Soundzania:

Here's the garden after a month and a half

Here's the garden after a month and a half

We also finished up a lot of visits to pre-schools! Here are some photos of those visits:

and these are called the bellows...

and these are called the bellows...

woo hoo - we love Soundzania!

woo hoo - we love Soundzania!

Fire Sale
And last – we’re getting some warm weather around here, so I am inspired to make a fire sale on CDs and see if anyone still needs to pick up a few. If you need another copy, or know a friend who needs one – now is the time…. use the coupon code [[sign up for the newsletter to get the code]] to get 50% off anything in the Soundzania store !!! I’m not kidding.

Take care and remember to use your sunscreen 🙂

Scott – writing for Ben Joe who is off somewhere doing a documentary on an elementary school


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