School is back in full swing! Here in Soundzania, we are about to hit a major crunch time in trying to put the wraps on the third Soundzania album – Soundzania Elementary School.
Yes, we’ve been waiting for this, and if we can manage it, we will be ready with this new album before the holidays. They seem like a ways away, but that time will fly.
Soundzania has played at a few gatherings lately. A church picnic in Richmond and coming soon to a La Leche League picnic in Fairfax. These shows have been fun, and we’ve brought out the crazy octopus / magic carpet for the kids to jump on while we play. If you haven’t seen it, its simple and its fun. Kids jump and sounds happen.
We hope school is going well for everyone and we look forward to working hard in the studio in October to make the album happen.
So, until next time….
Sounds good – and good sounds
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