Halloween is here again and all the instruments in Soundzania get dressed up like scary people – ha ha. Anyway, we’re looking forward to a fun fall, and — oh, wait, AAACKKKK whats that ???!!!?? It looks like a music CD !! aaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Scary news – our third album is almost ready !
We have been working hard this month and have a production schedule for “Soundzania Elementary School” to be available on December 13th. We are very excited!!
If you would like to pre-oder the CD, you can do that now and be one of the first to have your hands on the new CD. You can pull those other two CDs out of rotation if you like. We will ship the CDs to you starting December 13th. Place your order now.
If you want a little taste of the new album, check out the opening track – Bus Ride.
Until next time ….. run for your life !!! There’s a zombie behind you !!
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