The First Ever Soundzania Newsletter

This here is the first ever Soundzania Newsletter!
Big things are happening in Soundzania and we wanted to tell you all about ’em.

First off, we want to thank everyone for their support of Soundzania! We hope that everyone you share the Soundzania CD with is enjoying it and tapping their big toe 🙂

Soundzania CD Cover

With that support, we have been able to continue promoting Soundzania through elementary classroom visits, online contests, our newly redesigned website as well as our new wonderful t-shirts hand tie-dyed by our own Mandy Lynn.

We are beginning plans for our second CD !
Yes, it is time. This new CD will focus on homemade instruments with a particular effort given to educating kids and parents on making and playing them. We want everyone to have fun playing music, and if you don’t have any of them fancy store-made instruments, well, we can help you get started with some things around the house.

Over the next several months with the launch of our new website, we will be posting stories and other bits as we progress towards the creation of our second CD. If you stay tuned, you can hear it get made 🙂

Soundzania T-shirts

Please continue your wonderful support!
Support Soundzania with one of these actions:

** From now until November 20th, get 10% off any order at Enter the coupon code ZANIA10 during the checkout process.

Until then, make music and share it!!!

Thanks a million,

Ben Joe and the whole Soundzania gang !

1 comment so far ↓

#1 sandrar on 09.10.09 at 4:47 pm

Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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