Entries Tagged 'Art' ↓
November 22nd, 2011 — Art, Citizens, Music, News, Sales
With Thanksgiving around the corner, there are many things we should all be thankful for. It is good to reflect on that. Lately, I’ve been hunkering down in the studio and not had much time with family and friends, so I’d like to thank my friends and family for their support while we put the final touches on Soundzania Elementary School – it is almost here!
We are now accepting orders for the CD here. We will start shipping on December 13th and there is a coupon code we sent out in the last newsletter to give you $2 off if you purchase before December 12th.

I’ve heard a few people ask if they could do anything to help with the CD. The answer is yes, I need help doing some research. I need names and addresses of children’s music reviewers, bloggers, radio stations, internet stations, etc. I want to send a copy to everyone who writes about, talks about or plays children’s music. Do you know of any? Do you want to do some research to find some? If so, use this form here to submit what you have and I will send them a complimentary CD along with a cover letter. We hope they will review it and share what they like about it with others.
So – thanks to everyone!
Oh, and one more thing, I’ve added another song on the website – it should be on the right-hand side – enjoy!
Until next time – sounds good, and good sounds
August 25th, 2011 — Art, Citizens
In the April Soundzania Newsletter, we mentioned that we provided the Samaritan House in Ohio with some CDs for the families that stay there.
They have shared a few of the Soundzania coloring pages they colored. Here they are:
Samaritan House 1
Samaritan House 2
Samaritan House 3
We’re looking forward to more from them! If you have printed any of the pages, send us a scan of what you have colored and we’ll post it here.
August 7th, 2010 — Art, News, Newsletters
Is it hot where you are? Whew – its been pretty hot in Virginia this summer – the pool has never been so inviting.
The news in Soundzania is that the art for the cover of the new album is starting to take shape!! Our last newsletter I shared links to a couple of songs we have recorded, and now some art work.

Artwork for the album - by Ken Hougasian
Aren’t those drawings neat?! Ken Hougasian provides the art for the Soundzania albums. He is also the author of the lyrics for songs like Willie Westermore, Crazy Cat and some others. Thanks Ken – these look awesome!
Also, we recently had a visit from a fan. The studio here in Soundzania is always open for visitors. If you are ever in the Northern Virginia area, be sure to drop a line and I’d love to give a tour of the studio where Soundzania is all made.
Take care – and keep playing music
November 17th, 2007 — Art, News
Hilltown Families hosted a t-shirt review several weeks ago and they have just posted their results. It wasn’t exactly a contest, but more of a review. Several shirts got “kids pick” or “parents pick”. Every shirt got a little review done. Read this post to see the reviews of ALL of the shirts.

Soundzania, they said, would have gotten an honorable mention if they were giving them out 🙂 We think our newer tie-dye designs are bit more attention-getting. We submitted some of the color washes. Anyway, check out the other shirts and give us a holler about ours, do you like ’em?
Ben Joe
November 12th, 2007 — Art, Music
When we first saw this video several months ago, my family could not get enough… it is incredibly funny. Well, I’m posting it here because it recently resurfaced… after 3 months, the kids requested hearing it again. I think it is done by a very clever teenager in Montana as far as I can tell. He and his friends got together and made a video, cool.
This is safe to share with your kids, just an odd video that is insanely funny:

September 30th, 2007 — Art
Mandy Lynn is just tie-dyeing as many shirts as she can. Here is a quick picture of her working on one of the shirts. Keep an eye out, the t-shirt section will keep getting shirts added to it as she makes them.

September 29th, 2007 — Art, Citizens
Recently, I received an e-mail from a fellow citizen of Soundzania (we’re all citizens actually, read the citizen’s motto). In the e-mail, Claire (6-years old) shared her drawing with me. Here it is:

I think its a wonderful coloring of Cory Net. Thanks a bunch for sharing Claire !
Print out some of our coloring pages, color them in and send them our way ! We’ll share what you share.