Entries Tagged 'Citizens' ↓
March 17th, 2012 — Citizens, News, Newsletters
Hey – we missed February. oops.
Oh well, Happy St Patricks Day!
Its been quiet in Soundzania lately – that is until last night. We had a “Lets Make Music” night at our church and I (with the help of a couple of other Soundzania alumni, Jeff Pierce and Scott Powers!) led a group a kids in learning some simple instruments. We talked a little about the three simple instruments we brought:
Comb + Wax Paper = kazoo
Cardboard Tube + Stick = drum
Box + Rubber Bands = guitar
We taught each group a pattern on the instruments and then brought them together to play the parts as a little orchestra. The kids were awesome! At the end, after everyone had warmed up, we had everyone do a little jamming and solos all around. Excellent.
Coming up – Soundzania has a few potential shows. We are hoping to help out the local La Leche League in their picnic. We were also asked back to the Ashland Farmer’s Market (which I really hope we can match our schedules on). And last, we’ve got a birthday party coming up in June.
I hope everyone’s doing alright out there. Drop us a line. Like us on Facebook, buy a CD for a friend 🙂
Until next time….
December 17th, 2011 — Citizens, Music, News, Sales
It’s getting chilly in Soundzania (that’s a joke for my friends in northwest Canada).
This newsletter has some big news – please read on…
Do you like iTunes?
You all know the Soundzania Elementary School CD is now available for ordering, right? But, you didn’t know it is now available on itunes! If you’d rather skip the shipping and the beautiful packaging and just get it loaded on your ipod/ipad/computer… go to itunes.com/scottflory and order yourself a digital copy. We are also available in just about any digital purchasing outlet (amazon, spotify, napster, rhapsody, verizon….). If there is one you use and we’re not in it – let us know!
Christmas Gifts
Time is upon us. Gifts for teachers, cousins, nephews and nieces, grandchildren and yourself 🙂 need to be secured. Soundzania is guaranteed to be enjoyed by kids. Order a copy today
Order now to get it there before Christmas! When you place an order, I will ship it via USPS First Class Parcel by the next pickup (around here they pickup at Noon and 5pm). We are in Virginia, so you can figure it will be there in a day or two along most of the east coast and probably a few days for the west coast.
The pre-order time is over (awww). But, there are still discounts when buying multiple copies (say, for all the teachers, or for all your friends’ kids).
All CDs are $10. If you buy 2 or more, they are $9 each, buy 5 or more and they are $8 each, buy 10 or more and they are $7 each.. .and… in case you are running a day care facility or something like that – buy 25 or more and they are only $5 each!
We need your help!
If you’re reading this, it is likely that you already have a copy of a Soundzania CD. This newest CD is awesome (check out the two tracks here on the website). But, we need help letting people know about it. So, we are asking everyone to talk about us to help get the word out, share a link on Facebook, Tweet about it, tell your friends! There are millions of kids who would be bouncing up and down right now if only they were listening to a Soundzania CD!
Thanks for getting all the way to the bottom!! You are a very special person and very important to us. We love you.
Until next time – sounds good and good sounds!
November 29th, 2011 — Citizens, Music, News
Well, we’ve done it now. No more changes – the final mixes of the new Soundzania Elementary School have now been uploaded to the manufacturer (www.discmakers.com – highly recommended and very professional service). I expect to have the printed/shrink-wrapped CDs back in my house on December 13th and will begin shipping immediately.
Order your copy today
Tell me about a children’s music reviewer, blog site, radio station, etc. I will send them promotional copies.
Thanks for your support!
November 22nd, 2011 — Art, Citizens, Music, News, Sales
With Thanksgiving around the corner, there are many things we should all be thankful for. It is good to reflect on that. Lately, I’ve been hunkering down in the studio and not had much time with family and friends, so I’d like to thank my friends and family for their support while we put the final touches on Soundzania Elementary School – it is almost here!
We are now accepting orders for the CD here. We will start shipping on December 13th and there is a coupon code we sent out in the last newsletter to give you $2 off if you purchase before December 12th.

I’ve heard a few people ask if they could do anything to help with the CD. The answer is yes, I need help doing some research. I need names and addresses of children’s music reviewers, bloggers, radio stations, internet stations, etc. I want to send a copy to everyone who writes about, talks about or plays children’s music. Do you know of any? Do you want to do some research to find some? If so, use this form here to submit what you have and I will send them a complimentary CD along with a cover letter. We hope they will review it and share what they like about it with others.
So – thanks to everyone!
Oh, and one more thing, I’ve added another song on the website – it should be on the right-hand side – enjoy!
Until next time – sounds good, and good sounds
November 15th, 2011 — Citizens, News
We want as many people to know about the new Soundzania Elementary School CD. So we are enlisting you to help us identify companies, organizations and individuals that review, play or write about children’s music. These contacts can be blogs, or internet radio stations, or real radio stations, or local TV channels, or anything.
Please use this form to enter contact information and they will receive a complimentary copy of Soundzania Elementary School for their review.
Thanks for helping spread the word!!
October 31st, 2011 — Citizens, Music, News, Newsletters
Halloween is here again and all the instruments in Soundzania get dressed up like scary people – ha ha. Anyway, we’re looking forward to a fun fall, and — oh, wait, AAACKKKK whats that ???!!!?? It looks like a music CD !! aaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Scary news – our third album is almost ready !
We have been working hard this month and have a production schedule for “Soundzania Elementary School” to be available on December 13th. We are very excited!!
If you would like to pre-oder the CD, you can do that now and be one of the first to have your hands on the new CD. You can pull those other two CDs out of rotation if you like. We will ship the CDs to you starting December 13th. Place your order now.
If you want a little taste of the new album, check out the opening track – Bus Ride.
Until next time ….. run for your life !!! There’s a zombie behind you !!
August 25th, 2011 — Art, Citizens
In the April Soundzania Newsletter, we mentioned that we provided the Samaritan House in Ohio with some CDs for the families that stay there.
They have shared a few of the Soundzania coloring pages they colored. Here they are:
Samaritan House 1
Samaritan House 2
Samaritan House 3
We’re looking forward to more from them! If you have printed any of the pages, send us a scan of what you have colored and we’ll post it here.
March 5th, 2010 — Citizens, News, Stories
Soundzania has national appeal.
Our passion is to create music that makes kids smile – and a recent initiative has done just that in places like Fort Wayne, Indiana. One avid fan helped us partner with the Charis House homeless shelter for women and children. They are the largest homeless shelter for women and children in the region – and have to turn away, on average, 100 women and children a month because they are at capacity – and all of the other shelters in the region are full as well. As part of the Charis House fundraising campaign to build a larger shelter, Soundzania has provided donated CD’s to sell with proceeds going directly to help the Charis House serve more homeless children. As part of our support, Soundzania music will be offered at their upcoming Extreme Makeover: Charis House Edition Live & Silent Auction on March 20, 2010
The homeless children at the Charis House are grateful for the silliness and smiles that Soundzania gives them to brighten their day.

Charis House
About Charis House:
Charis House is a part of Fort Wayne Rescue Ministries which has been providing shelter, food and clothing to the homeless to Northeast Indiana and the surrounding region since 1903. We were recognized as exempt from federal income tax in 1935 and continue to maintain our 501(c)(3) status. Thus, contributions to our organization are tax deductable. We are in the process of building a larger shelter specifically for the women and children in need with an expected completion date of April 2010.
Learn more about the new Charis House
October 19th, 2009 — Citizens, Music, Newsletters, Songs of the Week
Welcome to the October spoooky Soundzania newsletter… whats spooky is that three things have come together at the same time… ooohhh… threes.  Well, other than that, not much spooky about it though. This month the big news is that we’ve got 3 fun things you can do.  Give at least one of them a try, they don’t take much more than a click and you can have fun, and even give a gift away:
Listen to a new song!
Click play below and check out this little ditty we wrote about Halloween… a free one, on us. Enjoy, and please post your comments after giving it a listen.
Giveaway a FREE CD to a Friend !
We’ve been thinking… how do we get more people and kids! to hear (and dance to) Soundzania? Most of you on this list already have bought your own copy and you are kindly reading these monthly updates.  Well, now you have the ability to give away FREE CDs to YOUR FRIENDS !  Check out this link for the details. We’re not kidding, we’ll ship it and everything, so go ahead and try it out and share the love 🙂
Become a Fan on Facebook
We had a Facegroup for a while (Citizens of Soundzania), but a group just sort of sits there.  We’ve now built a page in Facebook where we can post other information and stay in touch through Facebook.  So, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to become a fan of Soundzania!
Well that wraps it up for October.  I hope everyone is ready for Halloween and getting some fun costumes.
Until next time… Sounds Good and Good Sounds
October 13th, 2008 — Citizens, Music
We have a winner! A few days ago we posted the question in our newsletter asking if anyone could tell us what a schisma is. Some good internet searchers turned up the right answers and we’re going to recognize 2 winners – Mike Sherman and Mike Benton. The web has a lot of articles discussing the musical term “schisma”. It is something I understood about tuning musical instruments for long time, but never knew it had a name.
Simply speaking, it is the difference between tuning the D above a G so the two sound great, and tuning that D to sound good across all scales and keys. In other words, today’s instruments tune every note an equal distance from each other and that even distance is slightly smaller than the distance your ear wants to hear a perfect fifth. This distance is a SCHISMA.
Want to try it ?? Want to hear a schisma ?
You’ll need a tuner, and a guitar (or any other tunable instrument). Play a G and verify it is in tune with your tuner. Now play the D above that G at the same time and tune the D to sound perfect to your ear. This is a perfect fifth and it ought to sound good to the ear. Now check that D against your tuner. It will be sharp – by just a schisma ! What? Crazy.
Congratulations Mike and Mike ! You will be one of the first to recieve the new Safari CD once it is available !
Ben Joe