Entries Tagged 'Citizens' ↓
September 29th, 2007 — Art, Citizens
Recently, I received an e-mail from a fellow citizen of Soundzania (we’re all citizens actually, read the citizen’s motto). In the e-mail, Claire (6-years old) shared her drawing with me. Here it is:

I think its a wonderful coloring of Cory Net. Thanks a bunch for sharing Claire !
Print out some of our coloring pages, color them in and send them our way ! We’ll share what you share.
February 28th, 2007 — Citizens, Stories
Are you a citizen of Soundzania? Want to become one? Its pretty simple. There are only 2 responsibilities for citizens and they are spelled out pretty clearly on the Soundzania Certificate of Citizenship (shown below). What ? You don’t have one of these wonderful cards? Well, they come with any purchase from Soundzania (CD, t-shirt, whatever).
Everyone is an honorary citizen if they can follow the motto. One more thing we’d like is to have you share some of your music back with us – drop us a line.