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Soundzania October Newsletter

No scary things this time around. Just a quick video from a recent block party in Del Ray where Soundzania had a chance to play. Lee and Andy joined in as well. We’ll share one video here now, and more later, stay tuned.

Back to School in Soundzania

Whoa – its time for school !! The weather has significantly cooled off this week in Soundzania and the kids have all got their school supplies and haircuts and are ready for the first day. Can you hear the school bus?

Time to get down to business on the album though. We only have about 3 months to finish the Soundzania Elementary School album!

Last month I mentioned a visitor came to the studio. Everyone is welcome to bring their kids on by the studio for a quick tour of how we make the music here in Soundzania. This family brought a video camera and edited down a few clips of their visit:

Hamiltons visit Soundzania

So, until next time – sounds good and good sounds!


August Soundzania Newsletter

Is it hot where you are? Whew – its been pretty hot in Virginia this summer – the pool has never been so inviting.

The news in Soundzania is that the art for the cover of the new album is starting to take shape!! Our last newsletter I shared links to a couple of songs we have recorded, and now some art work.

Artwork for the album - by Ken Hougasian

Artwork for the album - by Ken Hougasian

Aren’t those drawings neat?! Ken Hougasian provides the art for the Soundzania albums. He is also the author of the lyrics for songs like Willie Westermore, Crazy Cat and some others. Thanks Ken – these look awesome!

Also, we recently had a visit from a fan. The studio here in Soundzania is always open for visitors. If you are ever in the Northern Virginia area, be sure to drop a line and I’d love to give a tour of the studio where Soundzania is all made.

Take care – and keep playing music


Summer in Soundzania

This has become more of a seasonal newsletter – I think I missed June. No matter, things are hot here in Soundzania and the new album is starting to take shape!!

I am posting my rough mixes over at ssounds.net – under the “Soundzania” project – you can take a listen and drop a comment if you like – I’d love to get some feedback as I go. These mixes are not anywhere near final.

The picture of the desk shows some of the interesting sound makers that are employed on “Bus Ride” – one of the new songs. I also added another picture of my favorite bass 🙂 It locks down the beat in every song.

Well, take care and stay cool.


Springtime in Soundzania

We’re most of the way through spring here in Soundzania and everything is blooming and green and windy and fun. Anyone gardening out there? Here’s what we have growing in Soundzania:

Here's the garden after a month and a half

Here's the garden after a month and a half

We also finished up a lot of visits to pre-schools! Here are some photos of those visits:

and these are called the bellows...

and these are called the bellows...

woo hoo - we love Soundzania!

woo hoo - we love Soundzania!

Fire Sale
And last – we’re getting some warm weather around here, so I am inspired to make a fire sale on CDs and see if anyone still needs to pick up a few. If you need another copy, or know a friend who needs one – now is the time…. use the coupon code [[sign up for the newsletter to get the code]] to get 50% off anything in the Soundzania store !!! I’m not kidding.

Take care and remember to use your sunscreen 🙂

Scott – writing for Ben Joe who is off somewhere doing a documentary on an elementary school

March in Soundzania

That could be a new tune… March in Soundzania… maybe we’ll put a march song in our next cd. We’ve started putting our ideas down for the next album “Soundzania Elementary School”. We’ll try to share some samples through this blog as we have them. It should be a fun process. If you have some ideas for the album – go ahead and post some comments here – we’ll incorporate what we can.

February and March have been very busy months for us in Soundzania. We’ve donated a bunch of CDs to the Charis House in Indiana for their silent auction (being held today on the 20th). We love helping charities involved in directly helping children. If you’re involved in one and think some Soundzania CDs could brighten the day and help out in anyway – give us a holler.

We’ve also been visiting some local preschools and providing performances. You can see some video clips of these performances here and here. We’d love to visit your preschool as well. Let us know if you’re interested – scott@soundzania.com.

Well – that covers it – spring is here – time to get out of the house and run around in the warm sun! Oh, and since its spring weather and t-shirts are being worn more… you get a free t-shirt with any CD purchase for the rest of March – just purchase the CD and we’ll contact you for your size! What a deal!

Until next time – sounds good and good sounds


Spoooky Soundzania Newlsetter

Welcome to the October spoooky Soundzania newsletter… whats spooky is that three things have come together at the same time… ooohhh… threes.  Well, other than that, not much spooky about it though. This month the big news is that we’ve got 3 fun things you can do.  Give at least one of them a try, they don’t take much more than a click and you can have fun, and even give a gift away:

Listen to a new song!
Click play below and check out this little ditty we wrote about Halloween… a free one, on us. Enjoy, and please post your comments after giving it a listen.


Giveaway a FREE CD to a Friend !
We’ve been thinking… how do we get more people and kids! to hear (and dance to) Soundzania? Most of you on this list already have bought your own copy and you are kindly reading these monthly updates.  Well, now you have the ability to give away FREE CDs to YOUR FRIENDS !  Check out this link for the details. We’re not kidding, we’ll ship it and everything, so go ahead and try it out and share the love 🙂

Become a Fan on Facebook
We had a Facegroup for a while (Citizens of Soundzania), but a group just sort of sits there.  We’ve now built a page in Facebook where we can post other information and stay in touch through Facebook.  So, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to become a fan of Soundzania!

Well that wraps it up for October.  I hope everyone is ready for Halloween and getting some fun costumes.

Until next time… Sounds Good and Good Sounds


Back-to-School in Soundzania

Ah, back to school time.  We’ve kicked off the year just fine out our house and hope you all have as well.  I’m kind of psyched because we have some new activities for the kids this year.  I’m looking forward to bringing Soundzania to some local preschools again this year with my new dobro!A very fun instrument - need to write some new songs on it

Recently, Soundzania helped kick-off a block party and gave a fun live performance including Lee Parker, Andy Berry, Ken Hougasian, myself.. and the magic carpet.  Yes, the magic carpet made a second appearance and the kids immediately took to it.  We’re going to have to program more sounds into it!

Well, thats about it for now, we’re still in the planning phase for the next Soundzania album.  If you have a fun story from elementary school, share it by replying to this, or posting a comment.

Now, for the monthly discount -use [coupon code available to those who sign-up for the newsletter] to get 20% off anything in the Soundzania store, pick up a cool t-shirt, or order some with school colors to show some spirit!  Nothing better than some tie-dyed Soundzania shirts with your own school colors.

Have a great school year and until next time –

Sounds good and good sounds


August Newsletter from Soundzania

Wow – another month of summer (or less) before school begins.

Can’t say we’ve been doing much in Soundzania except going to the pool and eating ice cream – rough life, I know.  I’ve been thinking a lot about the next CD we are going to be creating.  While we don’t plan on being done until Christmas of 2010 – we are planning for it now.  I’ll keep you all posted on its progress and probably share a few song ideas along the way.

We’ve done our school supplies shopping already and are ready to go into new grades and schools.  To be sure everyone has a CD to play and share with school friends you can pick one up for just $7 until Sept 15th!!  Either CD for $7.  If you want a shirt to go to school in style – pick up a custom made Soundzania tee for just $9.95 !  These deals are only around until Sept 15th – so pick one up today, and feel free to forward this to friends.

The code to enter at checkout is [provided only to those who have signed up for the newsletter].

Well, I hope everything is going well in your corner.  So, until next time:

Sounds Good and Good Sounds


Summer in Soundzania


Does it feel like summer where you are?  It’s starting to feel like it here.  The kids are splashing in the pool almost every day – we’ve been eating more than our share of hot dogs and hamburgers and ice cream… I think its summer!  I hope your summer is going well too.

New Friends

It’s been lazy in Soundzania – just staying cool and listening to some music.  We have a new instrument in town – the Dobro (seen to the right over there -> ).  You can expect an appearance on our next album (planned for 2010).What shall we call him/her??

Add Music

Pretty much everyone on this newsletter has picked up a CD of Soundzania along the way and I want to say Thank You again.  I sure hope the little ones are enjoying the music and would love to hear your comments on it.  Hit reply and let me know, or comment on the web page.  Either way, let us know.

Share the Love

While we’re talking about those past CDs, we still have plenty to spread over the land and want to get them into as many ears (hands) as possible.  So, from now until August 15th, we are running a massive sale on the pair of CDs.  50% off the normal price when you buy the pair!!  [only the people subcribed to the newsletter get the coupon code] I’m hoping that you can think of a friend or two who has children that would also enjoy the music.  Share this email with them – give them the coupon code!  This is a great deal and it will bring some cool tunes to the house/car/pool for the summer.

Then, after sharing the deal with your friends, have some watermelon and ice cream 🙂

Happy Summer-

So, until next time – sounds good and good sounds
