Soundzania June Newsletter

ps: You can stay up to date with other events in Soundzania by watching our RSS feed here
is a place that you can go…
June 16th, 2009 — News, Newsletters
Soundzania June Newsletter
ps: You can stay up to date with other events in Soundzania by watching our RSS feed here
June 12th, 2009 — Music, News, Newsletters, Sales, Video
Soundzania was invited to perform at a friend’s birthday party – what fun !! We recorded it, of course, and can share a clip here with you.
We debuted a new instrument – the Magic Carpet… thats right, a magic carpet! The kids had a good time jumping on the carpet and making crazy sounds. We’ve got lots of ways to make the magic carpet part of the fun of a birthday party.
If you have a little one with a birthday coming up, let us know ! We’d love to come out and perform for the party!
April 26th, 2009 — News, Newsletters
[emailed directly to people who signed up for the newsletter, including a coupon code for $3 off]
By now, most of us have filed our taxes (I hope). Â I personally did it twice comparing two online services. Â I don’t recommend that 🙂
Whats been happening in Soundzania?  A few  interesting requests, that’s what.  We are now working on plans for three more performances to bring our love of music to the little ears around us.  We will be doing another performance for another local preschool, we will be performing at a private birthday party (that one will include some fun games!) and are working on plans for performing at a theatre (again, bringing an interactive component into the show).
We’re very excited about these opportunities and certainly welcome more requests for performances like these. Â We will try to post some more video clips from these performances to share some of the event if we can.
We’ll keep it brief this month and move right along to the coupon code.  From now through Mother’s Day (May 10th) take $3 off any purchase in Soundzania!  Use this money to take your Mom out for coffee on Mother’s Day!  Just enter the coupon code ** during checkout to earn the discount.  So, visit the Soundzania Store today!
** Oops, coupon codes are only provided to people who sign-up for the newsletter
So, until next time – make sure Mom is happy – buy some fun kids music so she won’t tear her hair out listening to …. well… you know the music she can’t stand after 30 repeats in the car 🙂
ps: You can stay up to date with other events in Soundzania by watching our RSS feed here.
March 22nd, 2009 — Newsletters, Sales
[emailed directly to people who signed up for the newsletter, but that one had the coupon code 🙂 ]
A little late this month, but it is now officially spring – and the weather is starting to look good!
November 8th, 2008 — Newsletters, Safari, Sales
Hello fellow citizens of Soundzania !!
I am excited to announce that we are now accepting pre-release orders for our new CD: Soundzania On Safari. From now until December 12th, I will offer the CD for pre-purchase at a special discount price of $6. This is a special deal for just a few weeks. So, the wait is over! You can order your CD today. If you’re local, save even more and contact me directly at to place an order with no shipping.
Soundzania On Safari would be a great gift for anyone with little ones running around! It has been field-tested and proven with children ages 2-7 (no animals were harmed in these field tests).
This album is a fun trek through Soundzania hosted by our familiar DJ friends Ben Joe and Mandy Lynn. On this album they meet up with Safari Bob who takes them on safari in Soundzania. Bugs, elephants, pancakes – we’ve got it all !! If you’d like to hear some of the songs, look through our Songs of the Week.
Pick up a few copies as gifts and save some money!
Get 20% off your entire order of 5 or more CDs. That means you buy 4 and get one free! Just put 5 CDs in your cart and enter “BULK20” during checkout and we’ll apply the 20% discount. This works with either the original Soundzania CD, or the new Soundzania On Safari CD.
So pre-purchase many copies of the new album and we will get them shipped wherever they need to go. If you order before Dec 12th, we can even guarantee shipment before Christmas!
As usual, we will continue the song of the week postings so you can keep hearing the different songs that make up the album – so stay tuned.
Until next time – sounds good, and good sounds
– Ben Joe
October 10th, 2008 — Music, News, Newsletters, Safari, Sales
Hello again – Ben Joe here, bringing you another newsletter from Soundzania. We’ve got songs, a sale and maybe even a new instrument!
We’re working hard on the new CD we plan on releasing in December – in fact – we’re posting a new song every week to give everyone a sneak listen to the album ! You heard it – we post a full copy of a song every week at Just check out the link at the top of the page when you visit
A Sale
Mandy Lynn has made some fabulous tie-dye Soundzania shirts for you all, and guess what – they’re on a huge sale just for October! Yup, every shirt is $5 off. So, instead of the usual $12.95 – now they’re just $7.95 – a very nice price for a t-shirt! Order yours today – just enter “OCTOBER” as a coupon code during checkout.
A New Instrument?
Well, maybe not completely new… but definitely fun. We are making a fun new instrument in Soundzania. Its a super-controllable-highly-interactive-sound-making-apparatus – and we affectionately refer to it as the SCHISMA. The name is actually a musical term, and if you’re the first person to explain it to me, you’ll score yourself a free copy of the upcoming CD !
Well, thats it for now, hopefully we’ll get to see the SCHISMA in action this weekend at a block party in Del Ray. Drop us a line if you want to come by.
Until next time….
Ben Joe
September 7th, 2008 — News, Newsletters, Safari, Sales
Fellow citizens of Soundzania –
Its been a while since I’ve sent out a newsletter, and lots of things are going on. Everywhere around kids are going back to school or maybe starting it for their first time! Soundzania has been pretty busy lately too! We’ve been going back into the recording studio.
Whats that? A new CD ??!!
Yes!! A new CD will be available before the holidays this year (early December). This is very exciting news for us and we are definitely having fun making some new songs for the kids! We’ve been playing some of the new songs for our kids and the response is great! We’ll be sharing some of these upcoming songs on and accepting discounted pre-orders. Don’t worry, we’ll tell you as soon as that is available.
Can I still get another copy of Soundzania ?
I’m glad you asked ! We are putting the Soundzania CD on a discount just for September. You see, the remaining boxes need to be moved in order to make room for the next CD (real estate is at a premium in Soundzania). For the month of September the Soundzania CD will be sold for $5. Yes…that’s what I said … $5. But only for orders placed in September, then its back to regular pricing, ah shucks.
So… prepare someone you know for back to school by picking them up a copy of Soundzania for their kids to listen to in the car or at bedtime, or whenever.
Buy Soundzania from and enter coupon code 5DOLLARCD during check out to receive this special discount price. While you’re there, check out the t-shirts Mandy Lynn has made – they’re pretty cool !!
What else did we do on summer vacation?
We made a game. Yup, a very simple one though. Its a little picture-scramble puzzle some of the kids might enjoy.
Click here to play the game
Another fun little diversion has been Facebook. The Citizens of Soundzania is now a group on Facebook with a bunch of members, including Ben Joe (he needs some friends though, can you help?)
And so, as we say on Soundzania Radio:
Sounds good – and good sounds. Until next time, this is Ben Joe and Mandy Lynn signing off….
Keep in Touch
You’re reading this blog post, so that means you’re in the loop.
Choose your favorite way to keep in touch:
Citizens of Soundzania group on Facebook (don’t forget to make friends with Ben Joe !!)
RSS Feed from or an e-mail version of the same
October 29th, 2007 — News, Newsletters
This here is the first ever Soundzania Newsletter!
Big things are happening in Soundzania and we wanted to tell you all about ’em.
First off, we want to thank everyone for their support of Soundzania! We hope that everyone you share the Soundzania CD with is enjoying it and tapping their big toe 🙂
With that support, we have been able to continue promoting Soundzania through elementary classroom visits, online contests, our newly redesigned website as well as our new wonderful t-shirts hand tie-dyed by our own Mandy Lynn.
We are beginning plans for our second CD !
Yes, it is time. This new CD will focus on homemade instruments with a particular effort given to educating kids and parents on making and playing them. We want everyone to have fun playing music, and if you don’t have any of them fancy store-made instruments, well, we can help you get started with some things around the house.
Over the next several months with the launch of our new website, we will be posting stories and other bits as we progress towards the creation of our second CD. If you stay tuned, you can hear it get made 🙂
Please continue your wonderful support!
Support Soundzania with one of these actions:
** From now until November 20th, get 10% off any order at Enter the coupon code ZANIA10 during the checkout process.
Until then, make music and share it!!!
Thanks a million,
Ben Joe and the whole Soundzania gang !